On discovering or “remembering” my purpose I went through a rigorous spiritual awakening. The funny thing is I didn’t realize it until it was happening. In hindsight, I now see how Universe/Source/God/Creator was trying to get my attention all along, but it wasn’t until 2007 that I began questioning things. That was the year my journey had truly begun. It wasn’t until 2017, however, that I had become fully awakened… awakened to Consciousness. I’m still learning, growing, and evolving daily, so the journey is never-ending. Since my awakening, I have adopted a vegan/plant-based lifestyle and quite frankly, it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself, the animals, and the Earth. Also, finding love and passion for plants has really changed my life in the most wonderfully amazing way!

Here, I share my journey of awakening, how I went plant-based, my love and passion for plants, and so much more. I innerstand that it is my purpose and passion to help others on their journey of awakening and their ascension process. I share my perspectives and what has helped me along my journey. I look forward to creating a community where you feel comfortable sharing your journey as well.

Most times we complicate what our purpose is, and what that should look like. It’s really just coming into full realization of who you truly are, and deciding to live your best life from a place of gratitude. That alone is a major influence and has the power to heal just simply from the vibration that you carry and emit.

Your Purpose Is You!

GerMichael M. Cole